
Parents and Students:

Air Force Junior ROTC is in it's fourth year and we are hoping that number grows. We have performed in many community events this past year and look forward to much more during the next school year. We also take several trips throughout the year, including Fort Hood and Lackland AFB.  I would like to take this opportunity to let you know a little about the program.

Air Force JROTC is a community service program and is open to anyone enrolled at Hutto High School. Our focus is on giving back to the community through various outreach programs, color guards, and community service programs hosted by the school and community. We are a normal elective class- one period a day. Students may receive their PE credit if desired. We also offer afterschool activities that are optional (including color guard and drill team). Participation in the program does not come with any service commitment – but students that participate and join the service or attend college receive increased rank when enlisting and an extra try at the college ROTC scholarship program. Our focus is providing leaders and followers with the goal of serving the community.

Please email me at if you are interested or would like additional information. If parents/guardians are interested in helping, include that information, we would appreciate any help you are able to give.

Thank you.